Classes & Groups

Lauren Scout teaches a variety of classes and workshops in both group and private settings. Inquire about customized workshops.



Mindfulness for Mamas


These individual sessions and group workshops are Lauren's specialty and favorite way to work with clients. Catered to the needs of an individual or groups, these sessions will meet you right where you are. They will help you to weed through the mire of conflicting parenting advice and feelings, reveal your own powerful truth as a parent, and help you to find more joy and fulfillment in parenting and in life.


Group Workshops
from $500.00

Lauren is available to teach group workshops, custom tailored to the interests and needs of the group. Rates vary depending on number of participants. Note: Workshops may incur a travel fee.

Sample Topics
New Mom Support Groups, "Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me it was Going to be This Hard?": Preparing for the Functional and Emotional Challenges of Becoming A ParentEmotional & Physical Recovery from Birth, Infant Care and Parenting, Prenatal Infant Sleep Class, Baby & Toddler Sleep Solutions, Weening, Child Development,  Changing Family Relationships, Balancing Family & Work, LGBT Parenting Challenges, Meditation & Mindfulness, and more.

Dana Asper

Consultant + Designer + Developer | Dana obsesses on all the little things that create an experience. She tweaks, refines, perfects.


Private Sessions & Group Workshops

Sessions and workshops can be customized to meet you and your group's unique needs. Great for a small mother’s group/play group. Rates vary depending upon number of participants. Contact Lauren for more information.


Natural Resources

Find more classes, groups and information at Natural Resources - a pregnancy, childbirth and early parenting resources center located in San Francisco, CA.